sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

Saramago...e os partidos estado-unidenses!

A propósito das Convenções Republicana e Democrata nos Estados Unidos, a revista Salon – revista digital de San Francisco, dirigida por  Joan Walsh  -- parte dos dois romances de Saramago para uma análise aos protestos que estão agendados para as cidades de Tampa e Charlotte, que acolherão as duas convenções:
In Nobel Prize-winning novelist Jose Saramago’s 2004 book, “Seeing,” the people of an unnamed but uncanny nation take to the ballots and cast more than 80 percent blank votes in defiance of their corrupt, disengaged political parties. Saramago’s earlier novel, “Blindness,” tells of the same nation, four years earlier, when the populace is struck by a sweeping epidemic of blindness, producing havoc, despair and cruelty. What is the link, demand the authorities in “Seeing,” between “the plague of white blindness and the plague of blank ballots”?
If you see nothing hauntingly prophetic in Saramago’s near decade-old narrative, you may struggle to understand many of the protests planned for both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions this year. Thousands of protesters will head to Tampa, Fla., or Charlotte, N.C., or both, with no intention of supporting either party.

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